Meital Conference international track: Virtual internationalization in higher education

Class Number 1 / Online

C4: international Track

16:00 - 14:20 CEST

 The IMPACT Virtual Exchange Project: Actions, Challenges, and Vision | Dr Konstantinos Petridis, Hellenic Mediterranean University 

BlendEd: the Gateway for Global Higher Education in the Digital Age | Dr Nuno Escudeiro, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Athena  European University Alliance
Micro-credentials demystified and scaled | Peter van der Hijden, Consultancy SRL, Higher Education Strategy [Presentation]
Collaboration on all Levels: COILs and Co-Teaching as Novel Approaches to Internationalization, Subject-Specific Teaching and Learning as well as Future Skills | Mr. Hubertus Weyer, Wiesbaden Business School / Hochschule RheinMain [Presentation]

“Managed” and “Organic” Diffusion of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: in Search of a Balance | Prof. Dr. Isak Frumin, Head of Observatory of Higher Education, Innovations, Constructor University, Bremen, Germany. Professor, Department of Higher Education Research, University of Continuing Education, Krems, Austria [Presentation]

About the lectures

Micro-credentials demystified and scaled

Peter van der Hijden
Consultancy SRL, Higher Education Strategy

The context: the global learning crisis (citizens being underserved) versus the expanding learning cake (offer & demand being – in principle – unlimited)

What micro-credentials really are: certified competences (qualifications) acquired through life, work and study (e.g. short courses)

How to scale production & uptake: a multi-actor game in public-private partnership


“Managed” and “Organic” Diffusion of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: in Search of a Balance

Prof. Dr. Isak Frumin
Head of Observatory of Higher Education Innovations, Constructor University, Bremen, Germany Professor, Department of Higher Education Research, University of Continuing Education, Krems, Austria

In adoption of GenAI in higher education

– We need to build balance between grassroots innovations and  policies

– Institutional strategies should enhance individual practices

– Feedback loops enhance both managed initiatives and “organic” practices

about the lecturers

Dr Konstantinos Petridis

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Associate Professor in Laser Physics, Vice Rector of Internationalization & Outreach, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece


Dr Nuno Escudeiro

Polytechnic Institute of Porto, ATHENA European University Alliance

Nuno Escudeiro is teaching at the Informatics Department of the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Porto and researching at the GILT – Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies – research centre.f

He has a PhD in Informatics Engineering and a MSc degree in Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems, from the University of Porto.f

Nuno has been developing research and innovation work in two distinct areas, Engineering Education and Machine Learning.f

He is coordinating and contributing to several research and development projects and assumes leading positions in various organizations in the field of European Higher Education. Nuno is Vice-President of the European Association of Erasmus Coordinators, Vice-President of the European Association of Career Guidance, member of the Advisory Boards of the International Network of Technical Schools and of the Space4Geo Alliance, coordinator of the Praxis European Network for Project/Internship Excellence, coordinator of the BlendEd course since its inception in 2008, leader of the Steering Committee of the ATHENA Alliance and member of the Steering Committee of Secove, a European Centre for Vocational Excellency in the field of Sustainable Energy.f


Mr. Peter van der Hijden

Consultancy SRL, Higher Education Strategy

I am an independent higher education strategy advisor of Dutch nationality living in Brussels. I act as sparring partner, board member, workshop moderator and inspirational speaker for universities, their networks and alliances, public authorities, non-governmental organisations, companies and media outlets.I advise consortia of universities on how to position themselves for ’European University’ status (10 of the 64 selected alliances). I advice public authorities on introducing reforms in higher education e.g. as concerns micro-credentials and flexible learning paths.g

I have worked 23 years for the European Commission (Education, Transport, Research), where I was Head of Sector Higher Education Policy. I played a central role in developing the Erasmus programme, the Bologna process and the Modernisation agenda for universities. I further contributed to the Horizon R&I framework programmes and the human resources strategy of the European Research Area (ERA). I studied law at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, where I started my career as Policy Officer for Education and Research and Vice-Registrar of the University Council.g

Recent assignments include advising the European Commission DG RTD on the 2030 Vision Study on Universities, membership of the Advisory Committee of Kiron Open Higher Education (a Berlin based EdTech nonprofit serving new audiences with online education) and promoting ‘micro-credentials’ as a new and flexible learning option for all (advisor to EC, UNESCO and organisations worldwide).g



Mr. Hubertus Weyer

Wiesbaden Business School / Hochschule RheinMain

Coordinator of the Business English and Communications Section at Wiesbaden Business School. Previous work experience as a spokesperson in the German steel industry and teaching experience at several universities. My research interests include Innovative Constructivist Teaching and Learning Methods, including COILs, the Intersection between Communication and teaching and Learning Methods, Motivation and Leadership, Applied Linguistics and Technology, and Optimized Communication in Industrial Settings.

Prof. Dr. Isak Frumin

Constructor University, Bremen, Germany Professor, Department of Higher Education Research, University of Continuing Education, Krems, Austria

Coordinator …..

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